Kehtna water reservoir, also known as Räägu reservoir lies 58 54' N; 24 52' E. It is 57,5 m above sea level. The water resrvoir was created on the River Kuusiku ( lenght 20.9 km ) which begins at the border of the villages Palasi and Ohekatku and flows into the River Vigala. On the shore by the dam there is a stone showing the year of completion and a small sheltered sitting area.
In 1970 Kehtna sovkhoz built a dam on the River Kuusiku. Originally the water reservoir was built there to pump water for watering the local pastures. Across the road there used to be mobile watering systems on big wheels where electrical pumps were used. Next to the reservoir there was a power substation which gave power for the pumps in 70s-80s. Thanks to the watering system, it was possible to make hay 4 times a summer and produce animal feed which was used for feeding local Kehtna sovkhoz cattle. The water reservoir has been used for swimming. Nowadays it is used for swimming and fishing too. Midsummer Day's bonfires are also lit there.
Text translated by Kaarel-Eerik.
KIK - slide show
On our study day we found leeches, mudsnails and other species of snails, arachnids, larvae of Mayflies (Ephemeroptera) and its imagos, larvae of dragonflies similar to Aeshna mixta and of those similar to damselflies. Also larvae of Gyrinus sp, types of Dytiscidae and species of Trichoptera, toads and their tadpoles.
Speed of the water flow
On our outdoor study we found out that the speed of the water flow was 0.7 mps (meters per second). We used the Winkler method and VISCOLOR HE OXYGEN SA 10 kit. We measured the content of oxygen on that spring day which was 8.4mg/l and on an autumn day 8.0mg/l.
Water limpidity
We measured that the water limpidity was 0.5 – 1.5 m.
Water colour
The water can be described as yellowish.
Water pH value
Water pH value was 6-7 by using indicator paper.
The summary was translated by Sten.
The summary was translated by Sten.
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